Alex Certuche, our CEO, has always struggled with what to wear everyday. He is not he kind of person to wear the same every day and enjoys dressing appropriately for the occassion. However, Alex, like most of us, is Fashion Blind! He decided that he wanted to do something about it and that is the origin of My Perfect Outfit.
A dreamer, creative mind that is always in the lookout for the best ways to do everything. Caring and compasionate individual that at the age of 10 years old started his first foray into social investment. Alex is determined to change how people see the world one step at the time. He started My Perfect Outfit as a way to simplify what he should wear for every ocassion. Partnering with Nesly, they are ready to change how people look everywhere.
Fashion Expert in the projection of personal and professional image. Because it is not only the trend, but going beyond means your projecting your true self. Nesly specialized in fashion and image consultancy. She performs a detailed analysis to advise her clients in building a professional image and their own brand, consistent with their personality aligned with their physical appearance and personal likes; Nesly also recommends to her clients on what to acquire that is cost effective and takes into account the latest fashion trends.
Nesly believes that the her best advice comes from taking the opportunity to know her clients in order to achieve perfect harmony and capture their "human essence through their physical expression". Nesly's desire is to help people achieve their best physical expression in alignment with the human essence to optimize an image that best conveys the full potential.